Tag Archives: school chair

School chair petition

This is a short post about an important petition to request a change to a technical specification that is used in the design of school chairs – ever wondered why children sit on their legs or tip their chairs forward? They have better postural awareness than many adults!

Designers and manufacturers of chairs for educational institutions across 33 European countries. which work to the Standard’s guidelines, will continue to create school chairs with seats that slope backward.

The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique talk about how these backward sloping chairs are detrimental to our children’s posture, see this link: STAT. Richard Brennan also discusses this problem in his recent book ‘Back in Balance.

Children spend many hours sitting at school desks and doing homework – we should be providing them with the equipment that is designed in the best way to keep them healthy, not set them up for problems in the future.

Please take a look at the petition by pressing on the following link, thank you.

Petition for school chair design